Meet Kelly Barber, Founder of Book It Pink

Hello! My name is Kelly Barber, and I am fully dedicated to helping you reach your aspirations and goals.

I started my journey with Mary Kay Cosmetics about 20 years ago, in the small town of Pullman, Washington. Prior to that, I had just graduated from college, got married, and moved from Colorado to Washington.

That was a lot of change for me, especially because I come from a family of entrepreneurs. After starting my career as an Advertising Manager, I realized that I wanted to work for myself. My husband Jerry and I tried many startups and direct sales businesses, but nothing seemed to work until I discovered Mary Kay.

One day, I had a chance encounter with a Sales Director for Mary Kay, who invited me to a weekly meeting that included a pampering session. I was sold on the positive atmosphere, friendships, and the opportunity for women to excel in the business. Jerry was fully supportive, and I became a Beauty Consultant for Mary Kay.

However, our limited funds were a hindrance, so I saved money from every paycheck for four weeks to start my own business. I quickly rose to the rank of Red Jacket, but my business stalled as I was running out of friends and family to recruit.

Where It All Changed

After moving back to Colorado, I was faced with the same issue of limited options for business growth and felt unhappy with my new job. It was a conversation with my mother that made me realize that I hadn’t given Mary Kay my all, and I didn’t want to have regrets in the future. I decided to give my Mary Kay business my 100% and found success with the help of my adopted Sales Director.

I believe in the saying, “When God closes a door, he opens a window,” and I am confident that the same will happen for you too. 

I was introduced to the most amazing Adopted Sales Director by my Sales Director from Washington, who truly set me up for success.

Instead of just idle chit-chat, she showed me what it takes to be a top Sales Director in Mary Kay – driving a pink Cadillac and enjoying company-paid trips.

My Adopted Sales Director opened my eyes to a world of opportunity by introducing me to “Bridal leads.” These leads include the name, address, phone number, and wedding date of a bride-to-be, who is in need of all that Mary Kay has to offer.

This chance encounter truly changed my life.

I flourished as a salesperson and in no time, I reached the prestigious rank of Fabulous 50’s Elite, Senior Sales Director. I even helped my first Director achieve success just three months after my debut as a new Director, and did the same for another Director three months after that.

This resulted in me launching Book it Pink to help more ambitious Mary Kay women to understand the exact steps, actions and strategies that they should apply to grow their businesses and achieve their dreams.

It started by simply selling Bridal Leads that had been carefully sourced, before quickly learning that this was only part of the equation, and the training, scripts, support and accountability is what is truly needed to grow a successful business.

In late 2022, the VIP Club was launched to be the ultimate resource for ambitious Mary Kay women that want the ultimate short-cut to grow their business with tools, training and support.

My goal is to use this as a way to change the lives of thousands of women, and help them to build powerful income streams while doing something that they love!